Thankfully it seems that Tuesday night is not a party night in Tyrrel Bay and we enjoyed a calm and quiet night after an excellent sausage pasta meal on board.

In Hillsborough we had purchased (on recommendation) a bottle of the ‘local version’, ‘Jack Iron’ rum. This is only sold in un-labelled, re-cycled bottles with no disclosure of the strength other than a knowing reference to ‘very strong’. We also bought a bottle of the branded Jack Iron and this is 69% alc/vol so what on earth is the strength of the local stuff?
The rest of the crew gingerly took a sip but it was the Captain’s responsibility to test the quality and I can say that it is very warming !
The decision to circumnavigate Carriacou travelling north up the exposed Atlantic coast was subject to some question but once committed, there was no going back.
The fuelling dock in Petite Martinique enabled us to fill with water and it was only a short passage across the sheltered bay to anchor off the beach in Petit St. Vincent.

This is the most beautiful location so far and the ladies will no doubt expound further. The island is private and a five star resort (£1400 a night) but us humble yachties are allowed ashore only so long as we restrict ourselves to the beach bar and shoreline. A snack lunch with drinks ran to £130 for the 4 of us so we will be eating on board tonight!
Lynn & Paula write:-
A choppy journey and Paula gains more stars as she kept her breakfast well and truly in her tummy, you can always tell when you are sailing in the Atlantic, as it’s never without large rolling waves, it never looks or feels like a mill pond. Nick was in his element.

We eventually reached the most idyllic spot yet. Once again we swam ashore as the men played happily in the tender. We reached the bar first!
As Nick has already pointed out this is the most beautiful island, unspoilt, secluded and expensive. You are all invited to come and enjoy this place when we win the lottery. Don’t hold your breath! In the meantime you can have a look online at Petit St. Vincent – small luxury hotels of the world.

Enjoyed a lovely walk along the beach after the most expensive drink so far. We are now back on board for a gin and tonic and a read of our books – another stressful day!!!!!!!!!
When we anchored at Petit St Vincent in 1999 each bungalow with its own private beach had a system of flags on a mast. According to the colour of flag hoisted the room service would bring whiskies, gins and tonics, beers, etc. Such a romantic arrangement! Or is it all by mobile ‘phone now?
Good to hear from you John.
The resort has changed hands since 1999 and is very ‘up-market’. The pilot book suggests that they still have the flag system. It is pristine and as humble yachties we are not allowed beyond the beach and the bar but they seem happy to extort fortunes for a light lunch. This may sound negative and it shouldn’t do as it is the most beautiful spot!