The passage to Terceira was uninspiring and a bit unpleasant as it started with strong but unreliable winds mostly from dead astern and when the gods finally decided what we deserved, it was a big quartering sea with little wind so we motored most of the passage to make our ‘check in’ deadline at the marina in Angra do Heroismo on the island of Terceira.

This is not the first UNESCO World Heritage Site we have visited on this cruise and the City will be explored tomorrow. In the mean-time, we took a recommendation from the marina office for a local restaurant, popular (and how) with locals. It was a bit of a schlep (how does this word feel so appropriate) but the effort was well worth it. The restaurant, ‘A Canadinha’ was on an Industrial Estate and it was very nearly Michelin starred in that it was next to a Michelin tyre fitting bay!

When confronted with the menu on a board in Portuguese, we thought we might struggle but the waiter appeared speaking perfect American (thanks to the ‘Dukes of Hazard’ no doubt which has clearly educated the World) and we ordered another excellent Azorean meal including limpet starters (similar to escargot but a bit chewier), an exquisite main course and deserts, with two litre carafes of fine local red wine for a total cost of only 45 Euros
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