It was timely to raise the anchor in Saline Bay, Mayreau just as another cruise liner arrived and started to set up their equipment on the beach. We took a turn around the pretty Saltwhistle Bay before embarking on the 20 mile passage to Mustique with two reefs in the main.
We chose to pass Canouan on the Atlantic side so we could take a look at the new hotel and developments. Speaking to locals when we stopped on the west coast on our way south, it would seem that the hotel is open but that business is slow. How many up-market resorts can the Caribbean support?

The passage to Mustique was a little ‘lumpy’ as it was exposed to the Atlantic swells all the way but the Scopoderm patch (as approved by Stephen on the trans-Atlantic) that Paula is using for the first time on this cruise seems to be ‘doing the trick’ and her spirits stayed high for the duration. There were official mooring buoys available on our arrival in Britannia Bay at a cost of 200 EC Dollars but this includes an extra 2 free nights. They look substantial and passed the ‘full astern test’ so we confidently took the dinghy ashore for a reconnoitre which inevitably concluded with a rum punch in Basil’s Bar.

It being our intention to have a ‘lay day’ in Mustique we reviewed the menu and booked a table for the following evening when there is to be a live blues band playing. We returned to Hejira before dusk for a ‘spag bol’ on board, a series of dominoes and another early night.
Paula and Lynn write:-
Well its about the time that we have to pamper ourselves. Both of us need to deal with worn out nail polish. The idea of setting foot on Mustique without neatly tailored toe nails is just not worth thinking about.
Yet another beauty spot! Whilst this is a private island it is nice to know they allow non-residents to walk along the beach and trek the island providing you stick to some rules…no pictures of residents!!! Makes you very curious…A brief visit to the very ‘up-market’ boutiques confirmed we would not be shopping here….a nice little top to wear over a nice little swimsuit…only $425.00US!!!!! Probably a bargain for most residents here. A quick scan with the binoculars does not find a small dwelling, all properties seem vast….
Our fellow shoppers, in the very well stocked supermarket, were clearly the staff dispatched for fresh supplies. Another world! We feel very lucky indeed to be able to share this bit of paradise. We are looking forward to our meal this evening…what to wear??? Little dress? Maybe….how to get into the dinghy with a dress and remain somewhat elegant?? Hmmmm…….
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