I bought my Southerly 135 in Holland in 2012 and sailed her back to Itchenor in Chichester Harbour, where she was constructed. The builders, Northshore, embarked on a substantial amount of work, at my request, to bring her up to the specification that I wanted. The exercise was somewhat fraught and the details are covered in my ‘Modifications and Improvements’ section of this website.
Subsequently, a number of local ‘shake down’ cruises were undertaken, before being sufficiently confident in the yacht, and my familiarity, to venture more substantially.
Here are a couple of pictures of Hejira in Newport at the head of the Medina River on the Isle of Wight. Newport is one of my favourite destinations, as the ability of the Southerly to ‘take the ground’ and dry out between tides, makes it a relatively quiet location away from the Solent throng who are mostly constrained by their fixed, fin keels.

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