
Adventures closer to home

2017 will be remembered as a compromised sailing year with Hejira spending too much time on her mooring. This was as a result of building an extension to the house (yes after the children have left home, we need more space……), the death of my wife’s father while she was away and several big family... Continue Reading →

Single handed insurance

Following my 'Change of plan' blog, the question of insurance cover for single handed sailing has been raised by correspondents. I had already discussed this with my insurers Pantaenius and their helpful and positive response follows:- Dear Mr Mines, It was nice to meet you at Southampton, and I hope you enjoyed the show. Thank... Continue Reading →

A change of plan

My original plan for the 2017 season was a cruise through Holland, Keil Canal, Swedish Archipelago, Gota Canal, over the top of Scotland, Dublin and back to the south coast. I was facing some adjustments to the plan as two of my regular and dependable crew have unfortunately ruled themselves out until further notice on... Continue Reading →

A Salutary Lesson

If one of your winter jobs was to update the software of your instruments, you would do well to note my recent experience. Having been pleased to have navigated the myriad of menus within my instrument system and successfully updated the software through an internet connection, I was a little smug about having the latest ‘all... Continue Reading →


How can it be that a replacement gas cylinder cost 11 Euros in the Azores and £32.99 in Port Solent ?

The End – really

Slipping the mooring buoy off Yarmouth, we motored sedately eastwards with the tide under our keel making good time in the early sunshine. We took the time to rig the courtesy flags of the countries visited over our yearlong cruise and they spanned from the starboard cross trees to the deck. The ARC flags and... Continue Reading →

The End – nearly

This post should have been published on Saturday morning having been meticulously drafted during the course of Friday spent tracking up the Channel. The excellent sailing wind dropped away and we flew the Parasailor while there was sufficient wind to still maintain sufficient pace with the Yarmouth deadline very much in mind. Resorting to the... Continue Reading →

One of the best

We closed land at dawn and the day started bright but not breezy as we motored through the channel inside Ushant. Our timing was perfect as we picked up the first of the ‘flush’ and we recorded 11.6 knots of SOG (speed over the ground) with the tide assistance. The loss of our rope cutter... Continue Reading →

Piccadilly Circus

Of the perverse activities since the last blog was our attempt at aerial photography using a kite and tiny waterproof camera, both presents from my daughter Rebecca. The kite flew a treat and with sufficient tension to support the weight of the camera. The problem came when the camera support frame was being hoisted up... Continue Reading →

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