A favourable wind helped speed our crossing from Mustique to Bequia and it had been our intention to anchor in Friendship Bay but the swells were finding their way into the bay and it would have meant a ‘rolly’ night so we took a look and departed intending to make passage to Admiralty Bay but the wind and swell direction favoured a small anchorage off the uninhabited island of Petit Nevis.

This had been a whale rendering location and the remnants of this activity is still evident ashore with a derelict dock, slip and the remains of the winch arrangement they would have used to pull the whales up the slip.

Venturing ashore it was disconcerting to discover an abandoned dog which was not much more than skin and bones but friendly with the most appealing eyes. When the ladies saw the photographs I had taken, they were mortified and trawled the internet for the St. Vincent equivalent of the RSPCA offering to fund the rescue of the poor creature.

As the afternoon wore on, the anchorage became subject to swell so we decided to seek the calm of Admiralty Bay in Bequia. This was just an hour’s sail past a wrecked ship and the peculiar Moonhole eco resort.

We tucked ourselves into the more local corner, away from most of the cruisers to anchor for the night.

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