Wednesday was the last day of formal seminars and they have all been well presented and useful. This final tranche covered weather and routing, first aid, Cape Verde and St. Lucia and the return options. They have mostly been well attended but interestingly, the seminar on the return options was the least supported confirming what we have discovered, many of the yachts will be spending some time in the Caribbean or continuing on around the World – mostly as ‘couples’ hmmmmmmm………..
Having passed the safety inspection and with Stephen arriving today, we can turn our attention to victualing bearing in mind that the stocking options are limited in Mindelo, Cape Verde.
Our efforts at the Fancy Dress party were well received and the formula was a great ice breaker.

As a result we broadened our social network adding Austin Powers, Rambo, the Last Emperor and if we ever have any ghost problems, there are dozens that can help us out !
Bob writes:-
I believe that we were all impressed with Barry ‘throwing a few shapes’ on the dance floor last night, and his shoes were coveted by many! A great evening and more friends made. It will be interesting to share experiences with them again when we re-convene in Mindelo and Rodney Bay.
You can never find Barry when you need him.
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