Ventilation for cooling in warmer climates is always a challenge, particularly at anchor where the Air Conditioning is less practical. Leaving the coach roof port lights open is an option but sometimes a mistake as the 14 on the Southerly 135 open inwards and are angled so that, especially in the Caribbean where a torrential downpour can descend without warning, the result can be a sodden interior. Cruising south once again this year, I was conscious of the issue so I was delighted to meet Charlie Hunter in Vilamoura on his 135 āAuroraā. He had sourced rain shields from in the USA and they looked as though they would solve the problem. The ordering could not have been simpler and delivery was prompt although there was additional import duty to pay. I fitted the shields to a dozen port lights in less than 2 hours, it could not have been simpler.

One point for consideration however is the jib sheet lead to the track car where it could conflict with one of the rain shields. I have fitted additional track cars mounted at the aft end of the track so the lead can always be positioned to avoid the conflict.

Apropos Stephen’s comment, I can imagine that the skipper has fitted the rain shields to the lights in the master suite, even though the majority of them may be much nearer vertical and therefore deluges are seldom suffered!
However, there must be no possibility that the slumbers of the master are ever interrupted!
So the `Master`s does not like being `sodden`
Cos the crew are then laughing, not downtrodden
So the `cat` is brought out
And lashed all about
Till they sail to the briny old Bodden
Good idea