A slow slog

The fact that yesterday was the longest day passed us by but, in terms of seeming to be the longest day, today is likely to ‘take the biscuit’. We have a brisk wind on the nose and we are motoring into a lumpy sea which keeps knocking us back. We are not likely to reach... Continue Reading →

Port in Porto

Our passage from Viana do Castelo to Porto started in a promising fashion with good sailing in 14kts of wind – for 20 minutes! This was followed by a period of motoring on a glassy smooth sea. The clear water and smooth surface provided visibility as if through a pane of glass and this revealed... Continue Reading →

Portugal surprises

With no wind, we had to accept that the passage to Viana do Castelo would be made under engine alone. Crossing into Portuguese waters, we changed the Spanish courtesy flag for the Portuguese flag and, perversely, changed the clocks back an hour to Portuguese time. With no (obvious) offshore hazards, we could just run down... Continue Reading →

What a mess

Sailing along this coast is quite challenging with a capricious wind which can be blowing a gale one minute and dead calm the next. On passage to Bayona we put reefs in, shook reefs out and ended up ghosting along but we were relaxed and pleased to be just sailing on the level for a... Continue Reading →


The morning started with a lively sail which even required a reef as we creamed along, touching 9 knots, bound for Bayona. When the wind disappeared completely, we reached for the engine switch to be greeted by silence. With not enough wind for even steerage and surrounded by reefs we decided to deploy the emergency... Continue Reading →

All change

The hiring of a car could not have been easier and this was the main reason for focussing our crew change at La Coruna. Europcar delivered the car to the Marina and the agent spoke good English, even though he had attended school at Charters in Sunningdale and spent his youth in Virginia Water! The... Continue Reading →

Something amiss?

La Coruna seems to be quiet anyway but closed and deserted on a Sunday evening so, in the absence of even a ‘Kebab Van’ alternative, there was no choice but to return to Hejira and plumb the bilge for another couple of cans of Fray Bentos. The meal was very enjoyable which is probably a... Continue Reading →

The hole!

You may, or may not (more likely) be wondering why there has been no mention of the Watt & Sea hydrogenerator. Well I have been putting this off and it pains me………… Yes Bob and Barry, you were right! The single central bolt with rubber pad is not enough to stop the bracket turning under... Continue Reading →

Some satisfaction

Another day, another problem solved. Yesterday’s challenges revolved around the ability to obtain a forecast, not only for our days passage but so that I could assess whether we needed to press on beyond La Coruna because of weather conditions at Cape Finistere next week for the following crew. Despite repeated re-boots, calls to Gandalf... Continue Reading →


Ribadeo proved to be a very sociable place. After squaring up for our berth we put a wash on in the laundry room where we met Steve and Fae. We were on our way to our long anticipated ‘dirty pint’, it being our first since leaving France and they joined us for a drink. The... Continue Reading →

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