The discovery today of bent brackets on the bow sprit has put a real dampener on the passage and our ability to make speed downwind. The assembly was definitely straight when replaced after the earlier repair, it must just have been excessive loads since then, probably with the second yankee in some squalls. The pictures... Continue Reading →
Purple Rain
What a day! We became surrounded by black clouds and the radar confirmed that it was impossible to avoid a soaking at best so we dropped the twin Yankees in plenty of time and set a reefed main and waited. The deluge was of absolutely biblical proportions and we could only put the washboards in,... Continue Reading →
Squally squally night
Today we mourn the departure of a trusty friend, taken in its prime, lost overboard after years of loyal service. No one saw the departure but a suicidal leap into the deep is the only explanation for the missing winch handle. It leaves behind a twin sister in the cockpit and a smaller brother at... Continue Reading →
Kit failure at the ‘pointy end’
Although the rest of the crew enjoy the moon for their watches, it is long gone by my watch so I could not spot the problem until the first light of dawn. The first ‘giveaway’ was a slack luff on the starboard Yankee then I could see that the bow sprit was canted at an... Continue Reading →
Deciding (probably wrongly as the wind strength panned out) to stick with our sailplan and have a safe day tracking downwind, I was fearing that I would not have much to report but how wrong could I be. Mid-afternoon, Bob called to say that the Watt & Sea (hydrogenerator) downhaul had slipped and it had... Continue Reading →
Blow the wind Southerly
We are now a Southerly yacht both by make and position. We have maintained our twin jib sailplan and tracked dead downwind which has taken us well south of the rhumb line to become one of the most southerly of all the yachts. The wind is gusting top end strength for the Parasailor and we... Continue Reading →
My first duty this morning is to say…………………….. Yes, it’s working !!!!!! The watermaker is working - the jointed pipe dropped with a weight on the end of it, down the keel box, past the keel and into the water is picking up bubble free water and the unit is producing water. As we already... Continue Reading →
We are off
Preparations became somewhat frenetic as the yachts connected to the water supply to fill their tanks prior to departure. This large demand reduced the water pressure to next to nothing so there was only a trickle coming out of the hose and with half an hour to go to the start, we still needed half... Continue Reading →
Last night in Mindelo
Proof !!!!! The organised excursion around the Island was interesting with the small coach struggling up to the summit along steep, narrow, paved switchback roads. The views would have been stunning had there been better visibility through the low cloud and mist. We visited deserted beaches and verdant smallholdings in valleys between barren mountains. Away... Continue Reading →
4th !!!!!!
After early morning rain, the day continued to be overcast and clammy. Our mission for the day was to obtain the necessary pipework and fittings to effect a re-working of the watermaker connections. After some time spent in trawling the various shops trying to make ourselves understood (our Portuguese and Creole is not up to... Continue Reading →