Royal Vic, back in the day

This article appeared in the Daily Telegraph on Monday 29th October 2018:- The RVYC was founded on 24th May 1845 by Prince Albert to give Queen Victoria a Yacht Club on the Isle of Wight near her residence at Osborne House having been denied membership and access to the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes on... Continue Reading →

It’s a start

With the new Polyethylene (HDPE) water tank delivered by courier to the south of France, the task of fitting it has loomed huge and daunting in my autumn eyesight. Looking on the bright side, I am seriously blessed by the very kind assistance of John Coe who is a major technical stalwart who I am... Continue Reading →

Snuffer downhaul

Yachting Monthly Letters November 2018 :- Snuffer downhaul Duncan Wellsā€™ article on ā€˜Mastering downwind sailingā€™ shows the cruising chute snuffer being pulled down by the crew using the downhaul directly to the snuffer collar. While this is fine in this case, may I suggest that on bigger yachts with larger, more powerful sails, the downhaul... Continue Reading →

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