Water no maker

I should never have said we were problem free !!! Since yesterday’s missive, we have been punished for my (I wasn’t, honest) gloating. Having used some water from the tanks, there was space for a ‘top up’ from the water-maker. This has given us some problems in the past and it was brought back from... Continue Reading →

Up and away

There were crowds lining the docks and breakwaters waving us off with a cacophony of hooters as the fleet left the marina for the start. We ‘played safe’ and crossed the start line a minute late, conscious that a false start would cost us 3 hours added to our time. The wind was a little... Continue Reading →

Ready for the off!

It’s finally ‘start day’ and we are off at 1300 today! Bob and I attended the ‘skipper’s briefing’ yesterday for the final instructions and we spent the day in a fairly leisurely manner as we are pretty well ‘on top’ of things. This is more than can be said for some of our neighbours who... Continue Reading →


Our big shop required two large trolleys and we completely emptied the shelves of muesli. I was convinced we didn’t have sufficient stowage for it all but, bit by bit, it all disappeared into the lockers and with only a few fresh items to be bought today, we are pretty well victualed. We decided between... Continue Reading →


While waiting for a delayed Stephen to arrive, we made a preliminary sortie to the Hippo Dino supermarket. Although initially only intending to ‘check it out’ and buy a small quantity to carry back to the yacht, it turned into something of a ‘major’. Thankfully, the supermarket offers a delivery service so, once we had... Continue Reading →

Barry lets his hair (and us) down

Wednesday was the last day of formal seminars and they have all been well presented and useful. This final tranche covered weather and routing, first aid, Cape Verde and St. Lucia and the return options. They have mostly been well attended but interestingly, the seminar on the return options was the least supported confirming what... Continue Reading →


Our first social occasion was the ‘Crew Supper’ on the evening we arrived in Las Palmas. Although we didn’t relish the occasion, it was actually enjoyable with a decent meal and plenty of liquid. The duck main course reminded me how good duck can be as it was really excellent. Seminars today on ‘Dealing with... Continue Reading →

ARC+ assembly

Resuming the account of our Atlantic circuit, we have some catching up to do. Leaving Hejira in Rubicon Marina on the southern coast of Lanzarote, it proved to be an ideal location on all fronts. Paula and I used it as a base to explore the island and the swimming pool within the marina was... Continue Reading →

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