Padstow to Milford Haven

Since my last mail, we ‘sat out’ the ‘blow’ in Padstow which tied our hands somewhat, so, with a paucity of havens suited to the weather, we stayed put which took us to our next crew change. As this was not in Bristol as planned, this presented something of a problem for John Morris who... Continue Reading →

Newlyn to Padstow

Well, the weather has indeed interrupted again. We are currently sheltering from gales in Padstow – and, on the bright side, there are worse places to be storm bound ! The whole plan was structured to avoid deadlines and the travelling to wherever we are by car for the in/out on the mainland was intended... Continue Reading →

Hayling Island to Newlyn

At last some signal and a partially working lap top so a quick resume on the cruise so far. We slipped from Northney Marina on Hayling Island on Friday 17th May 2013 with a crew of Ollie and his friends Ashley and Raph. We sailed west, spending nights in Newtown River on the IOW, Studland... Continue Reading →

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